The Laravel SaaS Boilerplate you have ever wanted
Start your next SaaS Project with Laravel and a single command.
I’m working on a Laravel Boilerplate to create a SaaS product.
The good thing about it, it’s not a project you have to clone, it’s just a Laravel package you have to install.
ℹ If you want to test this boilerplate for free, write me on this tweet.
You can continue using Laravel as you have been doing until now. It’s just a single command that will provide your project with:
Monthly or Yearly subscriptions with Stripe.
Single Pay Licenses.
UI Components and an already build landing page with:
Company logos.
… and more.
Legal pages: privacy policy and Terms of Services.
And, the best thing.
You can use Blade, React, VueJS or InertiaJS with or without Typescript.
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